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Fostering Inclusive Learning Environments Through Cultural Heritage
Activities for ice-breaking, team-building, and intercultural empowerment

REBELAH - Religion, beliefs, and laicity in cultural heritage to foster social inclusion in adult trainings | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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Inclusion, Religion And Heritage In Secular Adult-Learning
A train the trainer handbook

REBELAH - Religion, beliefs, and laicity in cultural heritage to foster social inclusion in adult trainings | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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The Youth for Creative Identities Card Game

A How-to-Guide for Youth and Youth Workers

1000 Layers Project - Youth for Creative Identities | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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The Youth for Creative Identities Method
A Handbook for Youth Workers

1000 Layers Project - Youth for Creative Identities | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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El mètode BODI, diversitat cultural, cossos, gèneres i salut des de primera infància

Guia Didàctica per fomentar la diversitat i la no-discriminació

Cultural diversity, body, gender, health in early childhood education | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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El mètode SELFEE  
Enfocs creatius per a l'ensenyament de l'aprenentatge socioemocional i l'alfabetització digital en la recerca de feina

Digital Literacy and Social Emotional Learning for Engagement and Employment | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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Forum Theatre, against early school leaving
Guía didàctica, exercicis pedagògics contra l'abandonament escolar prematur

Forum Theatre against Early School Leaving​

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DREAMS: context, entrevistes i bones pràctiques 
La transició de l'escola primària a la secundària per prevenir l'abandonament escolar prematur des de la perspectiva de la diversitat

Fostering Diversity in Primary to Secondary School Transition to Prevent Early School Leaving | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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COBU: Staying small, Impacting Big
Ampliar els esforços organitzatius mitjançant xarxes de voluntariat autogestionades: una introducció per a organitzacions del tercer sector

Community Building Through Self-Managed Volunteer Groups | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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IRIS "Habilidades para Relacionarse"
Manual per a professionals que trebalen amb joves en el desenvolupament d'habilitats socioemocionals

Intimacy, Relationships and Interculturality in Youth Work | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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IO1 Manual de pràctiques escolar sobre cultura, cos, gènere i salut 
Bones pràctiques a l'escola

Cultural diversity, body, gender, health in early childhood education | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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IO2 Manual de diversitat cultural al voltant del cos, el gènere i la salut a l'escola  
Els incidents crítics

Cultural diversity, body, gender, health in early childhood education | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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Aprenentage socioemocional per persones en recerca de feina    
Bases per formadors/es

Digital Literacy and Social Emotional Learning for Engagement and Employment | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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IRIS "Guia de la bona proximitat"
Una guia  per a treballadors/es juvenils, explorant la bona proximitat en contextos juvenils 

Intimacy, Relationships and Interculturality in Youth Work | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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IRIS_ La guía de la buena
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