ON-SITE & ONLINE session
19th June 2021
Next 19th June, during the whole afternoon, we invite you to enjoy the plays of La Marató de La Xixa!
We'll have performances by the Intercultural Forum Theatre Group, the Puc Fer-ho Group from Sarrià Sant Gervasi, the Montbau Women's Group and the Trinitat Youth Rap Group! As usual, diversity, creativity and reflection will be the main protagonists of this HYBRID edition of La Marató de La Xixa 2021. Health and safety are very important to us. The event asks for responsibility to follow the Covid rules (correct use of the mask, disinfection, safety distance...) La Xixa thanks you for your collaboration!
🗓 19 June 2021 | 16:30h to 21h 📍On-site: Parc de la Trinitat (Barcelona)
🖥 On-Line: link to be announced soon
🆓 Free event
✏️ Registration by filling in this form
ℹ️ info and doubts at activitats@laxixateatre.org | 625 277 263
