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Compilation and Useful Resources | 2021 La Xixa

Writer: La Xixa La Xixa

From La Xixa we want to share with you the results and resources that we have been creating throughout this first half of the year 2021. We believe that these materials can be useful for professionals in the social and educational field, as well as for people interested in group dynamics and innovative and inclusive techniques in diversity.


After two years and in spite of Covid-19, we finished the Dreams project, where we have been working on the educational transition from primary to secondary school, in order to avoid early school leaving (ESL), especially in contexts with greater cultural diversity. And why is it important to work on this transition? Because there is evidence that some of the causes of ESL arise from this transition. The approximate repetition rate in 6th grade Primary is 5% while in ESO (Secondary school) it is 15%. Interested to know more?

📒 Check the results of Dreams, to achieve a full, conscious and safe transition here, as well as the Erasmus + project sheet.

In addition, Barcelona was responsible for hosting the Dreams Conference, on 28 and 29 June, as the final event of the project. During these days, we had the pleasure to listen to the voice of children and adolescents around the transition; to learn more about innovative educational projects and initiatives, to participate in the masterclass of César Bona (teacher and finalist of the Global Teacher Prize); to enjoy a forum theatre play created by teenagers; to be moved by Romani poetry and music... and much more!

Furthermore, the group workshops led by La Xixa opened our eyes on how to use the body and reflect to question sensitive issues of special relevance in school environments.



Since 2019, La Xixa Teatre is collaborating in the Radio V.I.T.A. project, an Erasmus+ project developed by organisations from France, Spain and Austria. V.I.T.A. represents a new methodology to use radio not only as a means of representation and personal expression, but also as a creative way to address issues related to inclusion (such as empowerment, equality, interculturality, identity, values and democratic processes...).

📒 During this first semester of 2021, we have published the "Guide for radio workshops" (available in all project languages). On the V.I.T.A website will soon be available also the collection of case studies carried out in the three partner countries (workshops that La Xixa is going to carry out during the spring of 2021), the manual of methodologies used and the glossary of words for empowerment. In addition, we encourage you to listen to all the podcasts from the V.I.T.A. workshops!

The project is about to come to an end. That's why La Xixa participated in the International Conference in Vienna on the 25th and 26th of June, where we shared the results and experiences of the whole process. We also facilitated workshops putting into practice the V.I.T.A. methodologies. We hope you will find materials of your interest on the web!



COBU (Community Building Through Self-*Managed Volunteer Groups) is an Erasmus+ project in which La Xixa collaborates with organisations from Hungary, France and the Netherlands. We have joined forces to prepare future leaders, sharing their tools and methodologies and offering support during the creation and facilitation phase of their groups. This initiative was born from the confluence between the desire of citizens to get involved in the causes they consider important and the lack of human resources and time in small associations to manage networks of volunteers.

📒We have developed the handbook "Staying small, impacting big" available in English.

🎭 We are currently carrying out the training Dinamitzadors de Teatre Fòrum Interseccional (with the support of the Ajuntament and the Diputació de Barcelona), with the aim of providing the necessary tools to carry out processes of Intersectional Forum Theatre as a technique for social transformation, intercultural dialogue and culture of peace in an autonomous way.

🎭 On the 18th of June we celebrated the Marató de Teatre Fòrum Intercultural, a very special annual event for La Xixa, where we presented the pieces worked with 6 groups of the training of dynamizers. Around 150 people participated actively, both in person and online. The training will continue until November and will conclude with the presentation of the Forum Theatre Masterclass.



La Xixa has been a European partner of the IRIS project, which explores intimacy, relationships and interculturality in the lives of young people and youth workers. Although these words may seem abstract, the reality is that they refer to very common experiences. Here are a few examples:

  • A young man is surprised when he sees women starting to "flirt" for the first time in another country. He wonders whether this behaviour is cultural or personal.

  • A Senegalese student is worried because he did not correctly perform the French greeting ritual of kissing on the cheek.

  • A male young trainee offers a gift to a female youth worker. She wonders whether he should accept or not, and what meaning she should accept or decline.

So if you are interested in exploring these issues, the IRIS platform is ideal for you!



Thanks to the Green Interculturality project, we are conducting research on urban environmental strategies that emerge from the knowledge of migrant and immigrant populations in Barcelona. We will soon publish the results, and based on these, we will hold two workshops with the support of the Ajuntament de Barcelona in the next semester of 2021, to further explore this topic. Stay tuned for future updates!



On 26-29 July, in collaboration with the Ajuntament de Barcelona Rights programme, we will be holding the workshop "Cultural heritage... What do you eat with this?", within the framework of the Rebelah project. Additionally, in the first days of September we will hold a workshop for people working with groups on how they can use cultural heritage as a tool in their work as facilitators and community agents. Stay tuned for the next publications!



During the month of July we are running workshops with young people from CEPAIM, to develop the method of creative identities, in the framework of the project 1000LAYERS - Youth for creative identities. We have the support of the Youth programme of the Ajuntament de Barcelona and the European Commission. During the pilot workshop, we were able to jointly create a methodological innovation at a European level designed specifically for and with young people. We are committed to incorporating identity process theory into the methodologies of the theatre of the oppressed, storytelling and Process Work. We will keep you informed of further developments!


Per no perdre't cap novetat, i apuntar-te als pròxims tallers, no dubtis en seguirnos a les nostres xarxes socials (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) i subscriure't a la Newsletter!

During this summer we are starting new and exciting projects, such as Performers Go Online and Online Theatre, from which we will be developing digital methodologies of creation, production and dissemination of performing arts, created from and for virtual and mixed environments. In both projects we will focus on how art and community theatre can use new technologies and methodologies to strengthen and position themselves as a strategic focus in the cultural development of the city.

In addition, we will be developing the VOICE project with the aim of sharing tools with educators working with adults so that they can develop new competences around the use of voice and non-verbal communication. Also, thanks to the INCLUDED project, we will be working on sex education with adolescents with diverse intellectual abilities in an inclusive way.

In order not to miss any news, and to sign up for the next workshops, don't hesitate to follow us on our social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and subscribe to our Newsletter!


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